I don't know.
Should I get back at it again? I can certainly find the time. I have stories to tell, opinions to share, reviews to write.
Why? Would I be doing it for me? Yes, I think I would be. The benefit of a blog with a microscopic following is that I have the ability to truly write about whatever I want without fear of anyone ever really seeing the topic. Let's face it, I started the blog when blogging was all the rage. I enjoyed it for a time but then, the blog became work. Feeling like the next post needed to be more exciting than the last, the pictures better, the fish bigger, the topic more engaging. So, I took a break.
Now, here I am over a year later and I found myself thinking about the blog during a recent night of fishing. I began to think of the blog more as a chronicle. The comings and goings of daily life however, not restricted to fishing but all things. Can this URL out live me? Will I endeavor to mark the rest of my days with some interesting pros with the ultimate hope that one of my boys keeps this journal going?
Yep, I think it's time to start up again...
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