I was surfing the web this evening and came across an article about a bucket list. While this would not be the first time I have read articles about someone's list, it is the first time I read an article about a bucket list for a 5 month old child.
I spent some time reading, first, about the child's disease and then, scrolling through the posts that make up her blog. As the blog is written from her point of view, I am reminded of just how fortunate I am in my own life. I am left to wonder just how it is that the cards fall one way for one person and another way for someone else. How is it that each of us is born into the place we call our life and we move through our days with each decision helping chart the course of where we will go? Strangely, I ponder that very question quite often. Why is it that I am the one driving to a business meeting and he is the one standing by the intersection looking for a handout? Why I am walking down a sidewalk in Manhattan in a suit, passing an elderly woman sleeping on the sidewalk?
I am fortunate to have friends from all walks of life however, my favorite people continue to be those who are self made. People who were not handed what they have, not those who were members of the lucky sperm club. I enjoy people who have not forgotten where they came from - it's ok to be in a new place, just don't forget where you've been.